Your #1 source for all things related to those mysteriously musical arachnids!
Shop NowEnhance your barking spider experience with these companion resources:
Learn the science behind barking spider sounds at the Encyclopedia of Barking Spiders and explore cutting-edge research at the Barking Spider Research Institute.
Connect with fellow enthusiasts at the barking spider community forum and read personal encounters at
Discover sustainable breeding at modern spider farms or traditional husbandry at established farms. Learn personal care tips from experienced owners.
For specialized collector items and premium barking spider merchandise, visit our affiliate premium shop.
Verified Buyer
"The Sound Dampener works wonders! My roommates don't complain about mysterious noises anymore!"
Verified Buyer
"Love my 'Silent But Deadly' shirt! It's a real conversation starter at the office!"
Verified Buyer
"The Spider Sound Kit Bag is perfect for organizing all my spider management tools!"